Little Timmy loves to watch his parents milk the cow twice a day.
Tim and Allyson milk "Hallie" the cow every morning and evening.

Uncle John greets Hannah after a long time.

Hannah picked lots of strawberries

Jamie and Mark after church

At the strawberry patch with a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles in the great state of Georgia (where I was born many years ago !!)

Caleb hands a huge strawberry to Uncle John

Caleb Reed, 3 years old

John gives milk to the lambs - Stormy, Sunny, and Rainy

John's favorite lamb is Stormy

Ice cream at McDonalds on a Sunday afternoon in South Carolina

Jamie and Heidi's three sons Antonio, Joshua and Caleb

Aunt Bethany loves here nieces and nephews

John at the end of our strawberry picking time

Scarlet and Sophia- twin daughters of Craig and Leah Prescott

I had more fun watching the grandkids pick strawberries than actually picking them. It was a definite "grandma memory"

Swimming pool on the deck on a hot day

The twins

John barbecuing shish-kebobs in the rain.