We will soon be on our way to the USA for Christmas - after not seeing our LOVED ONES since last Feburary - First we go to California to see Dan, Danielle, Abby, and Aaron (our newest grandchild who was born on November 10 !) We'll also visit other family and friends while there. Then we will wing our way across the country to South Carolina for Christmas with some more of the gang. Ouma (my mom) will be there, too, so we will be three generations for a few days ! Mark only has two short weeks of vacation so must get back to work in China on Jan 1. Meanwhile I will take a trip to Mexico that was cancelled last summer, to see Matt, Lina, Samuel and Rebeca. Then I will be in SC and GA for the month of January and part of February. Tim and Allyson will have their 6th child in early February and have asked me to be there to help out - I said YES ! Mark and I will miss each other for six long weeks, but are thankful for this opportunity to be with family. I am somewhat relieved to miss the LOUD fireworks of Chinese New Year (Mark LOVES it) and also the coldest part of the bitter northern China winter. We have so much to be thankful for - God is good.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Walk Through Bethlehem
The ECC (Early Childhood Center) had their annual Christmas program last night. The three classes sang special songs for their families and friends. I LOVE little kids !!!
Megan the little shepherd girl is loving this rehearsal !
Here is Mrs. Boyer with her Kindergarten class.
Little Joseph and Mary ~
The little lambs were having way too much fun ...
The angels singing a lullaby.
Kindergarten class singing Away in a Manger no crib for a bed
Megan the little shepherd girl is loving this rehearsal !
Here is Mrs. Boyer with her Kindergarten class.
Little Joseph and Mary ~
The little lambs were having way too much fun ...
The angels singing a lullaby.
Kindergarten class singing Away in a Manger no crib for a bed
Monday, December 6, 2010
Santa's lap
Borrowed from my friend, Kim Smith's blog
santa's lap
Moyer and Keturah dressed up in their Christmas best on Saturday for a picture on Santa's lap.
Every year the international school hosts a Christmas bazaar, and as long as Mr. Prescott has been around, he's posed as Santa for this festivity. We ordinarily know Mr. Prescott as a faithful teacher and honest neighbor, so there's no stranger anxiety at play here for either of our kids. And although Keturah's not looking thrilled, we're chalking that up to the cold she was coming down with, not our friend in the red suit.
At least this year we didn't make the same mistake we did last year!
Last year, we dressed up both the kids, then on our way to the bazaar realized that Moyer had no context for being expected to sit on Santa's lap. He was two and a half, and hadn't been exposed to any Santa media. Wanting to use this wonderful "we-dont'-live-in-the-West" opportunity to introduce Santa to Moyer personally (instead of through commercials, cartoons, and Santa decor), we realized that a five minute cab ride really wasn't sufficient for the whole Saint Nikolaus story. Still wanting to pose with Santa for a picture, though, we told him this:
"When we get to the bazaar, Moyer, there will be a very tall Christmas tree, and Christmas carols, and treats to eat, and do you know what else? Mr Prescott! He's going to be wearing a special red Christmas suit, and you get to sit on his lap and get your picture taken with him!"
And it worked just fine.
But this time, we remembered the night ahead of time, and Patrick told Moyer all about St. Nick. Can you believe that at three and a half, our little boy when asked, "Do you know who Santa Claus is?" had no idea?
We're grateful for the chance to introduce the history, charity, and generosity behind this jolly character to our kids.
We're grateful as well for the jolly character (and lap!) of Mr. Prescott. A fine-Father-Christmas-figure, indeed.
Santa's Lap Outtakes:
Every year the international school hosts a Christmas bazaar, and as long as Mr. Prescott has been around, he's posed as Santa for this festivity. We ordinarily know Mr. Prescott as a faithful teacher and honest neighbor, so there's no stranger anxiety at play here for either of our kids. And although Keturah's not looking thrilled, we're chalking that up to the cold she was coming down with, not our friend in the red suit.
At least this year we didn't make the same mistake we did last year!
Last year, we dressed up both the kids, then on our way to the bazaar realized that Moyer had no context for being expected to sit on Santa's lap. He was two and a half, and hadn't been exposed to any Santa media. Wanting to use this wonderful "we-dont'-live-in-the-West" opportunity to introduce Santa to Moyer personally (instead of through commercials, cartoons, and Santa decor), we realized that a five minute cab ride really wasn't sufficient for the whole Saint Nikolaus story. Still wanting to pose with Santa for a picture, though, we told him this:
"When we get to the bazaar, Moyer, there will be a very tall Christmas tree, and Christmas carols, and treats to eat, and do you know what else? Mr Prescott! He's going to be wearing a special red Christmas suit, and you get to sit on his lap and get your picture taken with him!"
And it worked just fine.
But this time, we remembered the night ahead of time, and Patrick told Moyer all about St. Nick. Can you believe that at three and a half, our little boy when asked, "Do you know who Santa Claus is?" had no idea?
We're grateful for the chance to introduce the history, charity, and generosity behind this jolly character to our kids.
We're grateful as well for the jolly character (and lap!) of Mr. Prescott. A fine-Father-Christmas-figure, indeed.
Santa's Lap Outtakes:
~This is the most engaged Keturah looked, but Moyer missed the photo op!~ |
~Moyer's version of "smile!" while Keturah's concerned with her stuffy nose!~ |
~Santa lovingly telling Keturah to take her fingers out of her nose for the picture. Our poor girl was really stuffed up!~ |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Two Pianos
This week it finally happened. We had sold our piano and were buying another one from a friend who had already moved back to the USA.
On Tuesday afternoon the switch was made. Fortunately (for the four piano movers) it all happened in the same neighborhood.

First they came to my place - Building 16- and carefully carried my piano down TWO flights of stairs, put it on a wheeled cart and rolled it all the way across to Building 3. Our friends live on the FIFTH floor and have a narrow stairwell, but on the phone the movers assured her that it could be done. It took 30 minutes for them to carry the 600+pound piano up to the fifth floor apartment. As soon as they set it down, they collapsed on the floor exhausted. (that's what my friend's housekeeper recounted)

Then they headed downstairs, back to Building 19 where the piano I had bought was located on the SECOND floor. They proceeded to move that piano down two flights, and then up two flights to my SECOND floor apartment.
They were young strong Chinese men - and I was impressed with their stamina and endurance !!! That was A LOT of work ! I wish I'd given them more than the small fee they had quoted earlier. But, they smiled as they walked out the door......XIE XIE....Zai Jian !
All in a day's work !
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
An Hour with Moyer
Once in awhile Moyer's mother, Kim, and I schedule a play date for him to come over to my place to just hang out with a "Grandma", since his Grandmas live so far away. And you can be assured that I love playing with little kids. So, this morning he came with a bag full of legos and a big smile.
He liked my little bowling game - knocking over panda bears.
He brought out his legos and built a tower.
And then it was time to go home over the bridge. From Building 16 back to his apartment in Building 10.
"We're almost to the fourth floor, Mrs. Prescott ! "
Monday, September 20, 2010
As a father......
I am so glad that my heavenly Father has compassion on me and loves me. When I saw the picture of Tim crying with his two boys, I thought of this verse and wanted to make a little collage of our sons as fathers. And Mark as GRANDfather. How comforting to be God's child !
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Quiet Time in the Morning with Mama
Hannah and Lauren are getting up early with their mama these days----copying her wise example.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up......."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up......."
Monday, September 13, 2010
China Day - February 2010 at TIS
Every year we celebrate CHINA day at school to coincide with the Chinese New Year festival.
It's my favorite celebration at our school.
Friday, September 10, 2010
"Daniel" and "Matthew"
Here are two of the nicest guys - I met them about two years ago in a small village where they were attending an "Agricultural School" - learning how to plant seed....and to PLANT SEED. They come from families who taught them from a very young age how to love their Creator. Now they are in Tianjin studying English and learning more. The one on the left, Daniel, recently went to a neighboring country to share. They are both from Inner Mongolia.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Cookies for Mr. Prescott !!!
On two different days in the past week we have been blessed with some little friends bringing cookies to help Mr. Prescott feel better. First we got a phone call from 6 year old Elizabeth asking if he was allergic to anything, and then if we would be home that night. No and Yes. Elizabeth, along with her older sister, Rebecca came over, accompanied by their Dad, with mittens, warm hats, and scarves and a plate of Christmas cookies. You see, Mr. Prescott is the school's SANTA every year, and they remember !! They presented him with a big plate of cookies they decorated and talked each other into continuing their plan of singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". Their mom told us that it was all their idea. She had just suggested that they pray for Mr. Prescott. What special people we are surrounded with !!
THEN, we got an e-mail from Moyer and Keturah's mom asking what Mr. Prescott liked. We finally decided on Chocolate Chip Cookies (yes, WE....I helped him in his decision making process). So on Tuesday morning around 10 AM the doorbell rang and there they were with the cookies. I had kept Moyer here fifteen months ago when he was not yet two and I'm not sure he's been back. BUT he remembered that I let him watch some Thomas the Train episodes on my computer and asked me about it. Even taking my hand and asking if we could do it again. What a memory this kid has ! SO, we did say we would plan a time soon when he can come over for a date to hang out with us to watch Thomas the train (on YouTube).
So, while we aren't able to be with our grandkids this summer....we are enjoying and loving on someone else's grandkids. What blessings from the Lord ! Our lives are in His hands and we follow joyfully.
A Day at the Beach
Featuring Grandkids Hannah, Lauren, and Timmy and their sweet Mama. Papa Tim stayed at home with little James and of course had many chores to do at the farm. It surely would be fun to run on the beach with them some day. Until then we are really enjoying the pictures they send of their day in Charleston, South Carolina !!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hui Jia !! ! Vamos a casa ! Let's go home !
After a very successful total knee replacement in Matilda International Hospital in Hong Kong. Mark said thanks and goodbye to the staff on the 2nd floor, the ones who took care of him for nine days.
Monday, June 14, 2010
An Open Letter to my Mom from Hong Kong
Meanwhile back at the farm in Georgia
It has been a while since you got an update from us. This entry picks up just days after the last one.
Remember, Hallie, the milk cow? Sure you do! Well, days after we saw her leave and days before we saw her come back (in boxes to be put in our freezer) a new cow joined the family.
It is a long story, and I will try to brief it. She was for sale and we bought her!
But in reality it was not that simple.
We tried to buy this particular cow from a dairyman in Madison, GA back in October of 2009. We visited the cow and left with a "Thank you Mr. Farmer. We will discuss the matter and get back to you soon."
In that "soon" period our little boy Luke was born and died within hours. Our lives, as you know, were shaken and as you can imagine, buying a cow was the last thing on our minds at the time. When the dust settled we tried to get back in touch with the farmer but found that we had lost his number. We were out of touch for three months and had given up on the cow.
Out of the blue, Mr. Farmer contacted us and said that he would be glad to send us his extra milk for free. For the following months I would commute to Madison (45 minutes away) about twice a week. I would leave some 20 gallon drums that he would fill with his extra milk (for our hogs), and on the days I would go get them I would also take some large mason jars to collect some milk for our own house use. Our own milk cow, Hallie, was producing less than a gallon a day and drying up so we appreciated the
extra milk. The milk stored in the large drums went straight to my thankful pigs.
The farmer and I spoke about cow number 56 often. The reason he had originally offered to sell her to us is because he was getting out of the business. When he contacted us about sharing milk with us she was no longer for sale. Why this cow?
Well, she was a 'show' cow in earlier days (not that she is old now). Her showing did not consist of competition but rather of "show and tell" type events like kids days, or old folks visits. She was the only one he chose out of his herd to go with him because she was docile and friendly. He also spoke of her 'rating' and 'pedigree' and her calves and milking. All of these things were positives and in my visits to pick up the milk I was able to watch her closely. She was always on the back of our minds but we no longer had high hopes of having her.
A few months ago, however, we decided to ask again about buying her. We reminded him that we had tried to buy her last year but had lost contact. He took a while to get back to us, but when he did we were devastated to find that he wanted two and a half times more than he had originally priced her. Frustrated we declined to buy. Weeks went by and again out of the blue he offered to sell her to us at just one half more than the original price. She was bred back with a heifer (had just been (AI) artificially inseminated with sexed semen: guaranteeing a female calf) so we finally decided to buy her before he changed his mind again. I tried to coordinate a surprise for her to show up on our farm with a pink bow on Allyson's birthday (HOW ROMANTIC!) but two days before he was to drive her to my farm
A few months ago, however, we decided to ask again about buying her. We reminded him that we had tried to buy her last year but had lost contact. He took a while to get back to us, but when he did we were devastated to find that he wanted two and a half times more than he had originally priced her. Frustrated we declined to buy. Weeks went by and again out of the blue he offered to sell her to us at just one half more than the original price. She was bred back with a heifer (had just been (AI) artificially inseminated with sexed semen: guaranteeing a female calf) so we finally decided to buy her before he changed his mind again. I tried to coordinate a surprise for her to show up on our farm with a pink bow on Allyson's birthday (HOW ROMANTIC!) but two days before he was to drive her to my farm
I received a text that felt like another (of many) kick in the gut. He matter of factly told me that the cow came back into heat (meaning she didn't take to the AI from the previous month). I said "Well certainly you will sell her to me for the original price, then, if she is not bred back with a heifer calf" (By the way, it may be a good time to explain here that when it comes to milk cows, a new baby boy is barely worth $20 at birth and a girl is worth $200-$400 or even thousands depending on other factors)
"NO, price is firm!"
I growled to myself again. It is really impossible to describe to you the array of emotions I have felt with this particular friend. Allyson has been able to experience this 'array' with me and well... all I can say is "WOW". I said "We'll take her!"
And soon after, our new cow "56" "Donny" came to our farm, and we were all thrilled.
She came with Jersey registration papers. She was bred back to Smart Bull which didn't guarantee a heifer but at least she is bred back. She came with a chain around her neck which makes her much easier to handle than our previous cow. She milks 5+ gallons a day. She is friendly with everyone as you will see in the pictures. She is a better cow than the other one in ALL respects although I must say, I liked the taste of Hallie's milk better.
The very best part of the story is that I have finally been able to use my portable milking machine.
A Godsend! Milking is still a chore but it is no longer painful and at times tormenting. I did have to hand milk her for a month until I got my milk machine back from someone who borrowed it. Milking that many gallons by hand is quite draining. So, I am MOST grateful for the assistance of the milk machine.
So there, you have officially met Donny. A name we continue to struggle to get used to but the cow has fit in very nicely and we are all very pleased with her. If you come visit, you will finally be able to interact with a nice cow. Allyson and the kids were fearful of Hallie as she sometimes charged at them and didn't like to be petted. Donnie enjoys company, enjoys petting and I even hug her quite often.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hospital Room with a View
Mark had a total knee replacement on Thursday, June 10 in Hong Kong, China. He is under the care of the orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kong who works at Matilda Hospital here and goes to Beijing monthly for consultations. Since Mark had severe osteo arthritis in his right knee which was getting worse with each passing day, surgery was recommended. About 4 days after school was out we flew from Tianjin to Hong Kong for the week stay. What a beautiful place ! The hospital is on Hong Kong island near the Peak, a very famous place here. This is a very old hospital, but also very modern and highly professional. We are very pleased with everything here. We are also so thankful to our loving Father for His unfailing love and compassion to us, and for all our family and friends for their encouraging words and prayers for us. I had been struggling with fear and anxiety the night before the surgery. The next morning the Lord gave me this verse before his surgery: "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble, so we will not fear." Psalm 46:1
After his first physiotherapy treatment...getting up and walking for the first time...he felt no pain, just tightness. Stay tuned for more news.
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