Well, another birthday rolled around and I celebrated all weekend. First I had lunch in the school cafeteria (for the elementary kids) with al ot of little people, including my "birthday buddy" Amelia Kiepke who has the same birthday. Since the cafeteria rule is "no talking" for the first 15 minutes, so they will actually eat...I tried really hard not to chat with Amelia and her friend Anna. It's been fun watching Amelia grow in the four years she and her family have been here. This year she was 5 and I was 59. NEXT year we will both have a SIX in our birthday age !!!!
Then, after playing a song for the 5th grade choir during the
elementary music night, I headed over to the Harvest Coffee Shop where Mark was waiting with a surprise birthday cake and a whole lot of people wishing me a happy birthday ! THAT was fun !

The Annual School Carnival was on Saturday and one of the coolest parts was watching Mark get hit with water balloons. He loves it, of course. There weren't too many accurate balloon throwers, but he did get wet.
Sunday afternoon we had a picnic at a local park with six of our Chinese friends. It was a beautiful day and we sat in a grassy area and ate our lunch. Afterward we rode the bumper cars...first time for most of them. Mark said it was his 2nd time he'd ever done it.