Monday, April 21, 2008

Grandkid's E-mails

I'm entering into a whole new chapter of "Grandmahood"-receiving e-mails from my precious grandkids. Here are two samples. I also get to chat online through SKYPE with Samuel ~ it takes a long time for him to type a few words...but before I know it he will type faster than me. Cycle of life. Circle of love. Needless to say..I'm LOVING being a Grandma. Fewer greater joys.

Dear Grandma,

Thank you for your letter. I liked the pictures ... all three of them.

Dad is typing for me and I can see everything he writes ! :) I am a great reader, you know. I wanted daddy to make a big long line for me like this one.

Well, it's time to go to bed now.

I love you !



(I signed my name up there)

Then this one is from Hannah who is four !

YaYa,Hannah typed the
below message for you all by
herself, except for some help
with spelling from me.
You are loved!
Dear yaya
Thank you for coming in September
I love you

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