We've been living here in China for five years and last spring had the opportunity to move to another neighborhood even closer to the school, along with five other families in our company. With more staff coming and more housing needed, we were given the chance to move from our smaller apartment to a larger one. We moved on June 18, just a week after John and Bethany left after their two week visit. We're glad that they did get to see our new place. We are loving it, the new neighboorhood and the happenings going on outside our windows all the time....everything from little children doing their artwork near the pond, to the elderly women (ok, my definition of elderly would be over seventy !) doing their exercises to soft music at 7 AM sharp every morning under the weeping willow trees, neighbors walking to and from the market or to work through the neighborhood. We hear bullfrogs at night, and crickets during the day. We feel even more conspicuous as some of the very few foreigners living in this area, but have been welcomed with friendly hellos and "ni haos" whenever we go out.
We live on the

I still love the setup. My plants grow like never before and I just love looking out the big windows. Sometimes we get even more than we ask or think.
I love the fresh summer vegetables and fruit here, too. Smoothies and vegetable stew or salads are refreshing !
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